
ORCID Public Data File 2021

These files contain a snapshot of all public data in the ORCID Registry associated with an ORCID record that was created or claimed by an individual as of October 1st, 2021. ORCID publishes this file once per year under a Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal public domain dedication. This means that, to the extent possible under law, ORCID has waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to the Public Data File. For more information on the file, see https://info.orcid.org/public-data-file-use-policy/

The file contains the public information associated with each user's ORCID record. The data is available in XML format and is further divided into separate files for easier management. One file contains the full record summary for each record. The rest of the data is divided into 11 files which contain the activities for each record including full work data.

Below is more complete description of how the data is structured.

Summaries file

Name: ORCID_2021_10_summaries.tar.gz
Description: Contains all the existing summaries, when extracted, it will generate the following file structure: summaries/[3 digits checksum]/[iD].xml
Example: If you are looking for the summary of iD '0000-0002-7869-831X', decompress the file and you will find the summary under 'summaries/31X/0000-0002-7869-831X.xml'.

Activities files


- ORCID_2021_10_activites_0.tar.gz
- ORCID_2021_10_activites_1.tar.gz
- ORCID_2021_10_activites_2.tar.gz
- ORCID_2021_10_activites_3.tar.gz
- ORCID_2021_10_activites_4.tar.gz
- ORCID_2021_10_activites_5.tar.gz
- ORCID_2021_10_activites_6.tar.gz
- ORCID_2021_10_activites_7.tar.gz
- ORCID_2021_10_activites_8.tar.gz
- ORCID_2021_10_activites_9.tar.gz
- ORCID_2021_10_activites_X.tar.gz

Description: Consists of 11 .tar.gz files, each file contains the public activities that belongs to an iD that contains a given checksum. The file hierarchy is as follows:
[checksum]/[3 digits checksum]/[iD]/[activity type]/[iD]_[activity_type]_[putcode].xml


If you are looking for the public activities that belong to `0000-0002-7869-831X:

Decompress the file 'ORCID_2021_10_activites_X.tar.gz'.
You will find all the public activities under 'X/31X/0000-0002-7869-831X/' which are then sub-divided in folders for each activity type.

If you are looking for all the employments that belong to '0000-0002-7869-831X':

Decompress the file 'ORCID_2021_10_activites_X.tar.gz',
Navigate to 'X/31X/0000-0002-7869-831X/employments'.

If you are looking for the employment with put-code '7923980' that belongs to '0000-0002-7869-831X' :

Decompress the file 'ORCID_2021_10_activites_X.tar.gz'.
You will find that employment under 'X/31X/0000-0002-7869-831X/employments/0000-0002-7869-831X_employments_7923980.xml'.

Companion Resources:


2020: File: https://doi.org/10.23640/07243.13066970.v1
2019: File: https://doi.org/10.23640/07243.9988322.v2
2017 File: https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.5479792.v1
2016 File: https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.4134027
2015 File: https://dx.doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.1582705
2014 File: http://dx.doi.org/10.14454/07243.2014.001
2013 File: http://dx.doi.org/10.14454/07243.2013.001


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